How we work | Extras

Migunani has extensive experience in conducting studies in Indonesia, applying ODK (open data kit) system when collecting quantitative data and Nvivio for qualitative data analysis. It has also implemented an inclusive, robust and sophisticated approach to developing and implementing research studies, baseline, mid-term, and monitoring and evaluation methodology. It has developed capacity to conduct mixed method studies, quantitative and qualitative methodology.

To enhance survey effectivity and efficiency Migunani applied mobile data collection utilizing ODK (OpenDataKit), Magpi, and CSpro software platform. This will eliminate resources and errors associated with data validation and data entry. The software will also guide the enumerators to skip irrelevant questions, fill only logically correct numbers or date, or not skip questions, even to take photos for observation, etc.

Its Qualitative study applies outcome mapping, process tracing method, theory of change, and most significant changes methodology. Migunani utilizes Nvivo to produce ingredients in analyzing qualitative data

An experienced programmer who is knowledgeable in ODK, CSPRO, Nvivo and other language programming in various operating systems mans quantitative division, assisted by junior Programmer and data Manager.

Mobile Data Collection

+ 71% decrease in data collection costs compared to paper, with improved quality (a World Bank’s report).
+ Eliminate the steps of data and entry consolidation.
+ Rapid Assessment and analysis even on the very early stage of survey.
+ Adds maximum survey accountability and efficiency.

Collaborative Qualitative Data Analysis

+ Allow multi-users to classify, sort and arrange pieces of information where deep level of analysis are required.
+ Examine complex relationships and combine subtle analysis with linking.
+ Increase research’s integrity and overall quality.

Extensive Network of Researchers and Assistants

+ In addition to its 10 permanent staff members, Migunani hires staff as the need arises and maintains close contact with them between engagements.
+ Migunani has a network of assitant researcher and fieldworker who are able to assist research in NTT, Sumatera, Jawa, Sulawesi Tengah, Papua, and Maluku.
+ Professional development for our staff and network via continuous trainings on gender, DRR, monitoring and evaluation, statistic, etc.
In conducting the study, Migunani provides an unparalleled team of an initial baseline survey, interim assessment, and final end line or impact assessment with a track record of producing high quality research outputs and impact evaluation study. Our proposed method is rigorous, carefully constructed and tested approach to develop and implement the methodology for the relevant study. Migunani is confident in the strengths of this approach, which will build capacity of local counterparts including young people to conduct and analyze data evaluation. It has unrivalled experience working in numerous studies, programs and working with local communities and local government agencies in building local capacity to design and implement evaluation methodologies. Our team comprises recognized leaders in evaluation in this field.