Evaluation of the Transfer of Malaria Elimination Initiative’s (MEI’s) Sustainability Model

Description: The study is about process and outcomes focused evaluation of the transfer of the Malaria Elimination Initiative's (MEI's) Sustainability Model to the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance and the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APLMA/APMEN) Secretariat. The process evaluation focused on the model's transfer. It will provide information to make mid-course corrections to improve the design and performance of the transfer, contribute to stakeholder learning, and improve outcomes. The evaluation intended to examine the process of transfer of MEI's Sustainability Model to the APLMA/APMEN Secretariat to understand the extent to which relevant capacity and skills were built within the APLMA/APMEN Secretariat to deliver specialized country-level technical assistance on sustainability, to assess how effective was MEI in implementing the model transfer and how effective was APLMA/APMEN in understanding the model and implementing it - with the goal of 'influencing increased domestic financing for malaria elimination in priority countries, to understand how partners and donors perceived the successes and challenges of the Sustainability Model transfer between MEI and APLMA-APMEN, and to identify the lessons learned regarding the best practices, risks, and challenges in regionalizing the Sustainability Model.

Project Detail:
Year: 2022
Area: Indonesia Vietnam
Type of Study: Outcome Evaluation Process Evaluation
Theme/Issue: Health Financing
Methodology: Qualitative Study
Partner: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Collaborators: Using Evidence Inc
Status: In-Progress
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