Financial Sustainability Study of Indonesian Policy Research Institutions

Description: The Policy Research Institutions have been implementing investment component programs of the strategic partnership grants (SPG) to strengthen their financial sustainability in 2021. An initial assessment of the financial sustainability level conducted by Migunani has served as a wake-up call on critical situations. The analysis has made them more aware of the importance of a comprehensive financial sustainability strategy and facilitated critical actions to address the barriers. Throughout the implementation of the SPG, PRIs are getting more aware of the causal relationship between non-technical and technical aspects of Financial Sustainability. They become more aware of how strong Fundamental elements (i.e., organizational capacity) will lead to a strong financial aspect. A strong financial aspect is needed to support fundamental or organizational capacity. The implementation has resulted in some progress in financial practices, human resource management capacity improvement, and receiving income from foreign and domestic funding.

Project Detail:
Year: 2021
Area: Indonesia
Type of Study: Organizational Development
Theme/Issue: Non Profit Financial Sustainability
Methodology: Participatory
Partner: Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI)
Collaborators: Indonesian Policy Research Institution : The SMERU Research Institute, Sajogyo Institute, AKATIGA, Article 33 Indonesia, Seknas FITRA, KPPPOD, PPIM UIN, IRE, Pusad PARAMADINA, CWI
Status: Completed
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