Child Health Now (CHN) Campaign Program

Description: CHN program in Indonesia is part of World Vision's global campaign aimed at helping the achievement of MDG 4 and 5.
The trends in maternal and child mortality in Indonesia which was observed between the periods 1997 to 2012 showed the need for intervention to help the government to provide adequate budget allocation for maternal health child (MCH). The Process Evaluation Approach in this study identified the CHN interventions achievements based on the logframe and to identify other important achievements by CHN. The Theory-based Evaluation Approach by employing process tracing techniques was used to see the contribution and effectiveness of the theory, and other lessons learned.

Project Detail:
Year: 2015
Area: DKI Jakarta Kalimantan Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur
Type of Study: Formative research study Impact evaluation Performance evaluation
Theme/Issue: Health and Nutrition
Methodology: Qualitative study, process tracing, theory based evaluation
Partner: Wahana Visi Indonesia
Status: Completed
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