Composition of our team reflecting a balance between a research community and project management professionals. In addition to 15 core staff members, Migunani engages with associate researchers to ensure that our works meet the highest standards in research and evaluation.

Novina Suprobo

Programme Director of Migunani
Educational and and Child Welfare Specialist
Ms. Novina Suprobo is a researcher, child welfare specialist, DRR specialist, and program management specialist who has expertise on basic education, community based disaster risk reduction, inclusive issue, education in emergency, good governance with over 14 years of experience in the program design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation system for development.

As a former National Officer of Education in Unicef and Disaster Risk Reduction institunalization and Policy in SCDRR-UNDP, Ms Novina provided technical assistance to the implementation of the creating learning community for children program. She also provided management advisory services to the government of Yogyakarta province to the development of the DRR policy and DRR institution establishment within Yogyakarta Province. She works extensively with international agencies and government office. Ms Novina is also active in networking with local government and civil society organizations in local and national level.

In research area, she has more than 7 years of experience coordinating research activities in Indonesia, proven organizational, planning, and time-management skills with strong written and verbal communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia. She has specialty as Qualitative Researcher with a proven ability to conduct and support high quality research activities at local, national, and international level. She played a role as a qualitative researcher in the several evaluation and baseline study consultancy with international institution such as Unicef, World Bank, Save the Children, World Vision, Plan Indonesia, Handicap International Federation, NRC, BRC, ICRC, Oxfam, Usaid, Mercy Corps, and Ausaid, in inclusive disaster risk reduction program and education field.

Bekti Dwi Andari, MA

Head of Program Development
Gender Specialist
Ms Andari, MA has established and extensive experience in gender and development field with more than eight years experience. She worked as gender specialist in Plan International and assigned as Asia Regional Office Gender Equality Capacity Building Consultant for conducted several trainings in Cambodia, Timor Leste and Myanmar. She worked as a social researcher coordinator in Women Research Institutes, Jakarta. Her recent worked on gender was with Conservation International to develop gender mainstreaming in Sustainable Landscape Program in 3 districts in Sumatra and Plan International Inclusive WASH in Nusa Tenggara Timur.

She also has strong background with qualitative research and actively producing articles and writings on social studies. She was actively involving as a qualitative researcher in several baseline and evaluation program such as Community Health Survey on HIV/AIDS in Mining Industry (2016), Developing Community Profile on Dengue Control in Yogyakarta (2016), Team Leader of MFS II Baseline and End line Survey Organizational Capacity Assessment for 12 Southern Partner Organizations in Indonesia funded by Dutch Government using Theory based Evaluation (2010-2015), Team Leader for Program Management Leadeship (PML) A Qualitative Study using The Most Significant Change technique in Papua (2014). Evaluator for Summative Evaluation of Child Health Now Campaign using Theory based Evaluation (Theroy of Change and Process Tracing) (2015). She able to work with NVivo Software for Qualitative Analysis.

Rumenta Rachmawati Sihombing, MSi

Finance Manager
Qualitative Specialist
Ms.Sihombing has strong background in basic education and has an extensive experience as District Advisory Team (DAT) for Basic Education Minimum Standard Program in Yogyakarta. Her education psychology background has enable her to perform effectively in conducting baseline and evaluation with an inclusive approach. She also has involved in several baseline and evaluation of program among others Hivos: Process Tracing for SEATTI Evaluation (2015), Save The Children-Endline Survey of DRR in School, Magelang District, (2014), Plan International : Evaluation of Promoting Inclusive School Program, Rembang District, (2014), Care International: Facilitator of SESAMA Program, Lessons Learned and Smart Practices Workshop, Kupang, (2014), Save The Children: Baseline Survey, Special 4, Malaka District, East Nusa Tenggara (2013) and Plan International Midterm Evaluation of School of Improvement Program; Grobogan District, Central Java Province (2013)

Kharisma Sinung Prasetyo

Research Manager
Mr Prasetyo has a very good capacity of organizing field level program implementation, including organizing day to day activities in evaluation. As part of the research team member, he played significant role in the primary and secondary data collection through interviews, guided group discussion, surveys, and observation. He has an extensive experience working with mobile apps data collection (MAGPI and ODK) as well as mastering the quantitative data analysis using SPSS.

His other specialties were including recruiting-training-leading local enumerators, organizing team’s logistics and accommodation, data recapitulation, and report writing. He was part of the research member in baseline and evaluation program of the international agency such as Dutch Government, MFS-II baseline evaluation (2012), Plan Indonesia, Lembata, School Improvement Program final evaluation (2012), Plan Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Merapi Psychosocial Program final evaluation (2011), Acted, Nias, Community Livelihood and Governance Strengthening Programfinal evaluation(2011), Canadian Red Cross, Aceh, Tsunami Reconstruction Program final evaluation (2011), Karina, Maumere& Makassar, Global Proposal final evaluation (2011), Cordaid, Manado,CMDRR peer-evaluation (2010).

Setyawan J Kridanta

DRR and Training Specialist
Mr Kridanta has a strong background on the capacity building of stakeholders in disaster management. He was actively involved in the capacity building of national and local government officer of disaster management agency, such as BNPB and BPBD throughout Indonesia. Through intensive training on disaster management, Mr Kridanto provided speciality in increasing knowledge and skill of government officer to conduct regular task and assignment as disaster management agency.

Dedicated himself to the capacity building of stakeholder in disaster risk reduction field, Mr Kridanta was an activist of DRR and hosted a web on the DRR learning on A web that was intended to share DRR knowledge and spirit to others. He was also the manager of disaster risk reduction program with PSPP Yogyakarta. Mr Kridanta also has an established experience as a qualitative and quantitative researcher in disaster risk reduction evaluation and baseline study program with some international institutions, such as Codaid, Cordia, AIFDR, Ausaid, Plan International, WVI, Trocaire Ireland, and Canadian Red Cross. He focuses his speciality on the designing evaluation and baseline study, developing evaluation tools, data processing, dan report development.

Kwan Men Yon

Economist and Media Specialist
Bachelor degree, productive writer with at least 120 articles and analysis on economic, social, and political matters, issued by Bisnis Indonesia Daily, a leading business and economic newspaper published in Jakarta, Indonesia. Men Yon contributed to DFAT-funded study on Indonesia Non-Governmental Organization Sector Review (Megan McGlynn Scanlon (Writer); Faisal Hakim, Kwan Men Yon, Merlinta Anggilia (Researcher), November 2012.


I. Praptoraharjo, PhD

Health Anthropology and Qualitative Research Expert
Mr.Praptoraharjo has strong background in health anthropology and qualitative research. He has extensive experience as a consultant in the community health field among others were Consultant for Harm Reduction Program, Family Health International/SUM I Program, Jakarta (2006 – 2013), Research Mentor, HIV Cooperation Program in Indonesia, AusAID (2011-2012), National Consultant In-depth Study of Violence against Children in Indonesia, funded by UNICEF, Coram Children’s Legal Centre, UK. August-November 2015. Currently he also a consultant for Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (Integrated Community Based Child Protection) since 2015.

His has international publication in reputable journal suc as in the American Journal of Men’s Health and The Lancet. He lead several research on Reviewing Policy and Programs of the Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) in AIDS Response in Indonesia, funded by by UNODC (2013), A Qualitative Study on the Meaning of Work, Effectiveness and the Influencing factors of HIV & AIDS Outreach Worker’s Performance in Yogyakarta and Central Java, Center for Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, funded by HCPI – DFAT, (2013-2014) and Strengthening Leadership And Management Capacities for Health Service Delivery in Papua Province, Centre for Health Service Management, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, funded by Kinerja Program – USAID, 2012-2015

Anne Lockley

Senior Research Specialist
Tertiary qualifications in a relevant field such as development studies, gender, anthropology or sociology: Anne has completed Masters degrees in Evaluation (Melbourne University, 2011), and Development Studies (Monash University, 1995). She has also undertaken additional tertiary training in quantitative methods (London School of Economics, 2013), and a number of short courses and professional development activities in a range of evaluation methodologies and participatory tools and techniques.

Demonstrated high level participatory and qualitative research and analysis skills, preferably applied in the context of research on gender issues: Most recently Anne led an evaluation of Saya Perempuan Anti-korupsi (SPAK), which explored women’s anti-corruption activism and the growth of a women-led anti-corruption network on anti-corruption across Indonesia. This evaluation included document review, in-depth interviews, and a short, primarily quantitative survey and data analysis. Other recent examples include community based research on legal identity (AIPJ), women and poverty and access to social protection (PRSF) violence against women (PNG and Solomon Islands) and women’s leadership (global).

More than 10 years of experience in developing countries, incorporating substantial exposure of gender issues at the village level: Anne has worked in international development for approximately 20 years, always with a specific focus on gender and women’s human rights. The last 8 years have include regular visits to Indonesia for a number of projects.

Experience working with women’s organisations in Indonesia preferred: Previously Anne was engaged by MAMPU to review and recommend a range of participatory tools that could be used by MAMPU partners within a feminist evaluation framework. Through previous work with AIPJ, the Poverty Reduction Support Facility, and the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K), and Oxfam, Anne has met or worked with a wide range of organisations, as well as conducted interviews with individuals and groups in NTT, NTB, West Java, Yogyakarta, West Sumatra, South Sulawesi, and Jakarta area.

Very strong writing skills and proven ability to prepare high quality research and consultancy reports: Anne has been responsible for the final product, often for publication, of a number of research projects, designs and evaluations. These include the recent SPAK evaluation (to be published by AIPJ and the Indonesian Corruption Evaluation Commission); an evaluation of women’s leadership for the DFAT Office of Development Effectiveness, resources for the Australian Commonwealth Department of Health, and was co-author of the English version of Lies Marcoes’ photo-essay book on women’s resistance to poverty in Indonesia, as well as a gender analysis of Indonesia’s poverty targeting data.

Wahyuni Kristinawati, Dr (candidate)

Child Psychology and Educational Inclusion Expert

Lies Marcoes, MA

Gender Specialist
Lies Marcoes-Natsir MA is a senior gender expert, researcher, gender trainer and consultant in the areas of women’s reproductive health and sanitation development with regard to women’s needs. Under World Bank support, she worked as consultant for the WESLIC I – II project implemented by the Ministry of Health (1999-2000). She served as gender specialist for the Punggur Utara – North Lampung South Sumatra irrigation development project (EU). For more than 10 years, she has worked as gender expert with The Asia Foundation, covering the programs of Islam and Civil Society, gender and women’s political participation, and the knowledge sector. She has written many books and articles on gender-related issues. Mrs Marcoes-Natsir is the Asia Foundation Foundation’s Senior Program Officer for Aceh Programs. One of Indonesia’s best known and respected activists, Ms. Marcoes-Natsir has extensive experience working on gender and education programs for pesantren communities in Indonesia. A social and gender analysis trainer, she holds a Master’s degree in Medical Anthropology from the University of Amsterdam. Ms. Marcoes-Natsir’s writings on Islam and gender have been published in national and international publications including, among others, VENA – Leiden, the Netherlands, the ANU publication – Canberra, the Archiple journal – Paris, and Reproductive Health Matters – London. Her activity profile appears in the Inside Indonesia Journal, Canberra 2011.

Kuriake Kharismawan, PhD (candidate)

Education and Psychosocial Expert

Elisabeth Pisani

Evaluation and Writing Trainer

Katja Pellini


Faisal Djalal

Disaster Management Specialist

Fransiskus Asisi W.

CBDRM Specialist

Whisnu Yonar

Knowledge Management Specialist

Rival Ahmad

Law and Legal Studies Specialist
Migunani has a vast network of assistant researcher and fieldworker who are able to assist research in many places. We also maintain good networking with local enumerators in East Kalimantan, NTT (Flores, Lembata dan Timor), Aceh dan Nias, NTB, Bengkulu, Jambi, Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, Papua dan Maluku.